Travel Christmas Tree ideas…

We started collecting travel ornaments years ago and it has become one of our favorite travel souvenirs. I love combining my love of Christmas and our memories of our adventures around the world. Every travel ornament carries a story… a tale of exploration, discovery, and the sheer joy of experiencing a new place. Whether it's an ornament from a German Christmas market, a windmill from Amsterdam, an Eiffel Tower from Paris, or a tiny sombrero from Mexico, each ornament sparks memories of a specific destination.

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Let your travel tree evolve by adding new ornaments with each journey. Whether you explore a new city or revisit a favorite destination, finding the perfect ornament can become an exciting part of your travel routine. My girls love to help find the perfect ornament representing our experience in the city we visit. On our Alaskan cruise, the girls chose their favorite animal ornament they saw on our trip.

You can Invite others to contribute to your travel tree. Ask friends and family to bring back ornaments from their travels, creating a collaboration that reflects the shared experiences of your loved ones.

We enjoy hanging our ornaments on our tree together and reminiscing about the story behind each ornament. I’ll remind my kids of the family vacations we took when they were younger and they get excited when they remember buying the special ornament. It’s fun to look back on our travels and relive the memories created in each city. During the Christmas season, I get layovers in New York City to see the Christmas lights and visit the Christmas markets. A few years ago I met a retired flight attendantat in the Columbus Circle Holiday Market who now sells hand-made Christmas ornaments from a village in Ecuador. Each year I look forward to purchasing my NYC ornament made in Ecuador. It’s fun to look back on our travels and relive the memories created in each city.

I use two trees for my travel Christmas ornaments. I bought two six-foot pre-lit rose gold trees from Amazon, and put one on each side of my fireplace.

You can get creative and include other travel items in your Travel Tree. I love this World Map Banner from Amazon…

This vintage map confetti is so cute!

Another idea is to add small framed photos from your travels…

You could also add postcards from your travels and old passports. A map would make a perfect tree skirt.

Before I started my travel blog I kept a travel journal. You might consider keeping a travel journal dedicated to your ornament collection. Note the date, location, and any special memories associated with each ornament. Over the years, this journal will become a treasure trove of stories, capturing your adventures.

A travel-inspired Christmas tree is more than just a festive decoration, it's a visual diary of the places you've been… and a reminder that the spirit of adventure is always in season. Let your tree tell the story of your wanderlust and bring the world home for Christmas.


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